Live Stream On Mac
If you have an Android device, iOS device, Apple TV, PC or Mac, Chromebook, PS Vita, or even a Raspberry Pi, you can use Moonlight to stream games to it. The code for our Moonlight clients is hosted on GitHub under the GPLv3 license. We welcome contributions and would be happy to help with ports to new platforms. Tsuro - The Game of The Path. Board Game, Puzzle, Tabletop, 4 Player Local Showing 1-15 of 986 results Browse All Upcoming Releases. Mdf for mac os.
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Stream My Game For Macbook Pro
I've come across an interesting situation. I recently borrowed a laptop for work purposes, but decided to try out a Windows-specific game that I've always wanted to play - GoldenEye: Source. ;) It works beautifully and I thought about streaming it on Twitch, but the laptop is old'ish and not reliable for streaming.
This brings me to my Mac, which is perfectly capable of streaming without any hiccups. Would there be any way at all to pick up the PC source on OBS for Mac? So far, I've tried:
1) HDMI connection from PC to Minidisplay Port on Mac (no connection there).
2) HDMI connection from PC to Elgato IN with USB connection to Mac (Elgato picks up the screen, but there is no game audio).
3) HDMI connection from PC to Elgato IN with UBS connection to Mac AND HDMI out to TV (once again, no audio pick up).
4) HDMI connection from PC to TV, but I'm then stranded in terms of getting it back to Mac (works great on TV with audio as well).
I know that this might be uncharted territory (or maybe not!). In any case, any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated in terms of what the best setup (if any) exists for these two systems to exist and help one another out with the PC being the gaming computer and Mac being the streaming computer.
Thanks in advance!